Commercial Services Offered for Private Parties
The Dune Science Group and Lawn and Order Lawn Care Unit, Inc (L&O) have combined to offer Amelia Island beachfront property owners and managers complete sand dune restoration/growth and habitat enhancement/beautification Services. These services include:
- Invasive plant species removal, disposal and control
- Native vegetation planting and temporary sand fencing (AATDs )to restore and expand the foredunes
- Native vegetation planting in the dune between the foredune and the building structure that improves the habitat value and beauty with no maintenance
We pride ourselves in doing nothing that Nature would not eventually do given enough uninterrupted time.
These activities are best done seasonally, invasive removals and temporary sand fencing installation in the October to March time frame and plantings in March.
Conditions: DSG will obtain any and all Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) permits and assure compliance with state law.
Owner will provide a water tap connection at the Ocean side of the home or property for initial planting watering and a subsequent initial watering to get the plants started. These initial two watering will be conducted as part of the pricing. Any additional watering required because of exceptional drought will be conducted on a labor charge only basis. Once established, none of the plants should require irrigation.
Any vegetation losses one year after planting in excess of 10% of the total plant value will be replaced by DSG at no cost in the next planting period. (Seeding not included).
Work plans can be developed to meet any budget and any objective (foredune growth and strengthening, color palate preference, species support specific (tortoise, butterflies, hummingbirds), and even property security). Contact Frank at before December 31, 2020 to request a free, zero obligation preliminary plan and estimate for next March plantings.
DSG will obtain permits and L&O will install pedestrian control posted post and rope barriers to protect the restoration area
Click Here to See Pricing Sheet for Services Offered
The native dune vegetation of Northeast Florida
We have prepared a catalog of some of the native plants that inhabit the coastal dunes of northeast
Florida and coastal Georgia. Dune Science Group compiled these to help its customers and the public gain a little more appreciation for the native vegetation that can and do make our dunes so vibrant and strong.
Click Here for Current Catalog of native vegetation for dunes of Northeast Florida
Links to our suppliers and to other organizations committed to protecting our fragile barrier island
Our Suppliers:
Native plant supplier:
*Dune walkover supplier:
Non profits striving to protect our fragile barrier island:
*Amelia Tree Conservancy:
Keep Nassau Beautiful:
Organizations promoting sustainable shorelines
*American Shore and Beach Protective Association:
*Society for Thriving Coastlines:
*American Society of Civil Engineers:
*Organizations in which Dune Science Group and/or Frank Hopf is a member/sponsor